Grandma and grandchild in winter coats sitting in snow

Certificate Special

Get a Guaranteed return with peace of mind

Are you ready for your money to start making money? Take advantage of our limited-time share certificate special and enjoy a great rate starting at  4.40% APY*  for a 8-Month term.

8-Month Share Certificate special

Three ways to earn.
Red squiggle line.

Grow Your Savings

A guaranteed growth on your savings with a competitive rate, and without the need to bring new money to fund it.

Open Now

Earn up to

4.40% APY*

Boost Your Earnings

Your relationship with us should be rewarded. With an active checking account or new money** you can increase your rate and give your savings a boost.

Earn up to

4.45% APY*

Maximize the Potential

Maximize your guaranteed earnings when you have active checking or new money** and $5,000 new money deposited. Now sit back and watch your money grow.

Open Now

Earn up to

4.50% APY*

8-Month Share Certificate special

Three ways to earn.
Red squiggle line.

Earn up to

4.40% APY*

Grow Your Savings

A guaranteed growth on your savings with a competitive rate, and without the need to bring new money to fund it.

Open Now

Earn up to

4.45% APY*

Boost Your Earnings

Your relationship with us should be rewarded. With an active checking account or new money* you can increase your rate and give your savings a boost.

Earn up to

4.50% APY*

Maximize the Potential

Maximize your guaranteed earnings when you have active checking* and $5,000 new money deposited. Now sit back and watch your money grow.

Open Now


Red squiggle line.

We make it easy to get started with our fast and secure online application. Get started today, tomorrow will thank you.


Apply Online

It takes just minutes. If you aren’t a member, have your Social Security number and driver’s license or ID card handy.


Deposit Money

Move money into your new account so it can start growing.


Manage Your Money

Manage your money with ease with digital banking.


Apply Online

It takes just minutes. If you aren’t a member, have your Social Security number and driver’s license or ID card handy.


Deposit Money

Move money into your new account so it can start growing.


Manage Your Money

Manage your money with ease with digital banking.

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield, Rates effective 1/13/2025. Certificates may have penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings and/or principal on the account. Rates subject to change without notice. Rates do not apply to institutional or government deposits.
ǂ Automatically renewable account - This account will automatically renew at maturity based on the following terms:
-The 5-month certificate will renew into an 6-month term.
-The 8-month certificate will renew into an 6-month term.
-The 27-month certificate will renew into an 24-month term.
You may prevent renewal if you close the account at maturity. We can prevent renewal if we mail notice to you at least 30 calendar days before maturity.
**Minimum Balance Requirements - $5,000 required to open and earn dividends. APY increase of .05% available if the $5,000 is New Money or with an Active Checking account. APY increase of .10% if the $5,000 is New Money and with an Active Checking account. New Money are funds not already on deposit with Capital Credit Union.  An Active Checking account has at least $400 in deposits each month and 12 withdrawals of $5 or more during the month. Member needs to request New Money and/or Active Checking APY increase. Increase is not automatically given. APY increase is effective to the day of the request.
All other terms for the Term Share Certificate as listed in the Understanding Your Account Brochure, shall remain in full force and effect.