Happy women sitting on the couch, looking at laptop

Fresh Start

Are you ready to hit the reset button on your financial journey? Say hello to Fresh Start Checking – your pathway to financial freedom and peace of mind.

Everyone deserves a second chance

Fresh Start Checking is more than just a checking account – it's a second chance. Whether you're recovering from financial setbacks, rebuilding your credit, or simply looking for a fresh start, our checking account is designed with your needs in mind.

How Does It Work?

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Minimum opening deposit of just $1
dollar sign
$8 monthly service fee
Waived for the first month
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24/7 Digital Banking access*
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After 12 consecutive months of positive account management**, other checking account options will be available for consideration
Convenient Payments with Credit Cards from Capital Credit Union
Debit Card and ATM access***

Not a member yet? You can open a savings account right along with Fresh Start checking account together online. 
Not finding the right account? We've got other options.

Connect with us

Red squiggle line.

Red calendar icon
Schedule an appointment

Select the date, time, and location that works best for you to meet with us.

message bubbles
Text us at 920.789.2464

Send in a message for a quick response from one of our team members.

red phone icon
Call us at 920.494.2828

Give us a call to talk with one of our local Contact Center representatives.

location pin
Visit us at any branch

Find the branch location closest to you and stop in for some popcorn.

*Bill Pay, Zelle®, and external transfers are not available.
**12 consecutive months of positive balance. Include 5 or less Insufficient/Uncollected Funds fee within last 12 months. No negative balances maintained for 15 consecutive days. 
***Transaction limitation apply.