Timber Rattlers, Touch the Truck check

Elevate Communities

The Capital Credit Union Elevate Communities program supports initiatives brought forward by civic organizations, municipalities and other service organizations to fill financial limitations that may hinder them from obtaining life-saving resources or completing projects of need.
Now accepting applications until March 31, 2025.
It all started in 2017. A local fire department purchased a new fire truck but wasn't able to use it until they could fundraise the remaining cost for equipment. When we heard about the cause, we knew we had to act. Capital CU donated the remaining funds, and now the truck is used to protect the community.

Situations like these are happening every day and are the purpose for Elevate Communities - to assist civic groups, municipalities, and other organizations in efforts to support the needs of a group or local community



Hear Their Stories

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Green Bay Police Department logo

Green Bay Police Department
E-Bikes are a form of mountain bike which has an electric assisted motor. The Green Bay Police Department requested funding for this equipment to allow officers to travel greater distances during their shifts, decrease response time to problems, and also cut down on officer exhaustion. This request was a part of their Safe Parks Initiative and the mission to make Green Bay Parks a safer and more inviting place for all residents.

Friends of Appleton logo
Gear Washers and Drying Racks
Friends of Appleton Fire Department
The Friends of the Appleton Fire Department had (what appeared to be) a simple request, but it turned out to be profoundly important to the health and safety of our local firefighters. Contaminated turnout gear is the #1 cause of cancer for professional firefighters. This gear is the protective clothing worn during the extinguishment of structure fires. Previously, there was no turnout washer at stations 3, 4, or 5. That means, after a fire, crews must leave the district which they are responsible for protecting just to wash their protective clothing. In addition, they must leave their district again to pick up that clothing once it has dried. Adding these washers and drying racks to their equipment helped reduce travel time, health concerns, and costs.

Green Bay Police Department logo
SWAT Equipment
Green Bay Police
The Green Bay SWAT team typically responds to 20-30 high risk incidents per year. In each incident, the goal is to resolve the situation as peacefully and safely as possible for the responding officer, suspect(s), and the surrounding community. The SWAT team is the only division within the Green Bay Police Department that is listed as a Regional SWAT team for the State of Wisconsin, and therefore has the potential to respond anywhere within the State. In order to increase safety for both suspects and officers, where both parties will be at risk, they requested the upgrade of their chemical munitions delivery devices. These devices help to bring a barricaded suspect(s) into custody without the use of live ammunition.

Neenah Menasha Fire Rescue logo
Rescue Boat Replacement
Neenah-Menasha Fire Rescue
The Neenah-Menasha Fire Rescue requested a new Zodiac boat, which can be deployed by having their crew carry it to the closest access point of a waterway and jumping straight into action. Their old Zodiac was reaching the end of its journey, but budget restrictions were an issue when it came to obtaining a replacement. Without this versatile piece of equipment, water rescues would be a far more difficult and dangerous situation. Updating this tool within their arsenal helps keep Northeast Wisconsin waterways safe.

2024 Recipients
Red squiggle line.

Last year we granted 12 projects over $100,000 to make a difference in their local communities. Congratulations to the following recipients:

  • City of Sturgeon Bay Fire Department – Ice and Cold-Water Rescue Equipment
  • De Pere Fire Rescue – Technical Rescue Services Improvement
  • Grand Chute Police Department - Wearable Medical Response Kits
  • Green Bay Police Department - GBPD Mobile Response Bicycle Team – 36 Bikes
  • Greenleaf Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.  – Active Shooter Protective Equipment
  • Hobart-Lawrence Police Department – Squad Car Essential Equipment
  • Howard Fire Rescue – Helping Howard Hazmat
  • Ledgeview Fire Department – Fox River Fire District Regional Fire Training Facility
  • Neenah-Menasha Fire Rescue – Portable Rescue Tool
  • Oconto Falls Fire Department – Improving Firefighter Health & Safety
  • Town of Buchanan Fire & Rescue – UTV Trailer Acquisition
  • Village of Bellevue Police – Shield the Sheriff’s Deputies & Community Safety Project
Elevate Communities 2024