A father and mother laugh together helping infant son take his first steps in their living room home

Home Refinance

Looking to lower your payments, payoff your mortgage faster, or cash out for that project you've been looking to complete? Refinancing your mortgage might make sense. Our team of mortgage lending experts are ready to help.

VA Home Loan

Are you a veteran looking to tap into some equity?
Our local mortgage lending team is ready to help you through your home refinancing process. 
  • Up to 100% financing available
  • No PMI
  • Local VA Lending
  • Local VA Servicing 
Family smiles and laughs together on living room couch at home with military veteran father

Mortgage Rates

Term Rate* APR Points Monthly Payment**
15 Year 5.750% 5.850% 0.000 $1453.22
20 Year 6.250% 6.331% 0.000 $1279.12
30 Year 6.250% 6.311% 0.000 $1077.51
Rates effective 3/12/2025
*Rates and terms are subject to change at any time and without notice; additional restrictions may apply. Published rate may be adjusted based on other factors, including but not limited to, when your rate is locked, actual occupancy status, loan purpose, loan amount, credit score, debt to income ratio, and loan to value. Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) required for Fixed Rate Mortgage loans with a term greater than 15 years and less than 20% down. Additional rates and terms are available. Maximum loan amount at these rates is $806,500.00.

**Taxes and insurance are not included; therefore, the actual payment obligation will be greater. Displayed rates assume a first mortgage with a purchase price or value of $218,750 with loan amount of $175,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
Term Rate* APR Points Monthly Payment***
3 year ARM** 5.875% 6.771% 0.00 $1035.37
5 year ARM** 5.875% 6.614% 0.00 $1035.37
7 year ARM** 6.000% 6.549% 0.000 $1049.81
10 year ARM** 6.125% 6.487% 0.000 $1063.93
Rates effective 3/12/2025
*Rates and terms are subject to change at any time and without notice; additional restrictions may apply. Published rate may be adjusted based on other factors, including but not limited to, when your rate is locked, actual occupancy status, loan purpose, loan amount, credit score, debt to income ratio, and loan to value. Maximum loan amount at these rates is $806,500.00.
**Adjustment could occur after initial term. Published rate may be adjusted based on credit score and down payment. ARMs require 5% down payment with Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), PMI is not required with greater than 10% down. Adjustment is based on an index of UST1YW (1-year Constant Maturity weekly average yield) plus margin of 2.75%. Maximum annual adjustment is 2%; maximum over the life of the loan is 5%. No conversion option. Additional rates and terms are available.
*** Taxes and insurance are not included; therefore, the actual payment obligation will be greater. Displayed rates assume a first mortgage with a purchase price or value of $218,750 with loan amount of $175,000 and a minimum credit score of 740 and an amortization term of 30 years. APR and payment amount may increase after consummation.